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Christmas 2024

Our annual Christmas Party is on Saturday 16th December.

Tickets are just £10 and the Brighton and Hove City Brass Band will be here again to entertain us. Email us on to secure your place.

We'll also be holding our first ever Christmas Fayre on Saturday 9th December with a whole load of local suppliers here to show off their lovely produce. Our range of Christmas beers will also be available to buy at this event.

There is also a Christmas Quiz on Thursday 14th December in aid of Guide Dogs. Gather your cleverest friends into a team of 6 or 8 and come along.

To reserve a team email Fantastic prizes to be won and the £3 per person entry fee goes directly to the Guide Dogs charity. Food will be available.

Our final Christmas event will be Carols by Candlelight which we are holding on Saturday 23rd December. We'll be roasting some chestnuts and the fires will be lit. There is no charge for entry.

Follow Us @hairydogbrewery